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Tips To Help You Get The Most Money When You Sell Your Gold Jewelry

by Clayton Stanley

If you're looking to sell gold, diamonds or other precious metals to a buyer, your number one concern is likely trying to figure out how to get as much money for your jewelry as possible.  While it is important to keep track of the current price of gold, there are other factors that play a role in determining just how much money you'll get for your items.  Use these tips to help you get the money that you're looking for when you sell your jewelry.

Timing Is Everything

Knowing when to sell is about more than waiting until the price of gold has hit a high point.  It also has to do with selling your jewelry during times of the year when demand for gold and precious metals is at an all-time high.

For example, you may want to hold onto your pieces until the holiday season.  During this time, there may be people who are looking for ways to get affordable gold jewelry for the recipients on their gift lists.  This could drive up the cost of precious metals so that you get more money than you would have if you were to sell during a season when gift-giving is not as prevalent.

Don't Be Afraid To Travel

Another point to keep in mind when you're looking to sell your gold jewelry is the importance of location.  You may be able to fetch a higher sum of money for your jewelry if you take the time to travel just a few towns over.

You can think of it the same way as used cars.  The same vehicle could be priced very differently if you go to another city or state.  In addition, areas of the country where off-roading is popular are able to demand higher prices for dirt bikes because so many people want them.

In the same way, if you're willing to travel to a part of town where gold is more in demand, you will more than likely end up with more cash in your pocket.  Instead of burning up your gas going around to different gold buying facilities, let your fingers do the walking.  Call several local buyers and find out their rates.  You can then go with the buyer that is offering you the best rate.

Getting a good price for your gold doesn't have to be difficult if you know what to do.  Before you sell your precious jewelry, use these tips so you can maximize your payout.  Contact a gold buyer like Accredited Gold & Diamond Brokers for more information.
